Recently I started to look into better ways to release stress in healthy ways. Personally I struggle with expressing my emotions and prefer to push them deeper inside until it over flows and I can no longer keep them in.
Archery has been nice, but not often enough to be something consistent. The weather isn’t warm enough to pull out my tennis rackets either, though it will be a wonderful work out once the time is right. I’m not much of a runner so that’s off my list too.
Kick boxing is an option, would be interesting to try out. Total full body work out, great cardio, and I’m sure I’ll drop the weight if I’m consistent with it. There’s a kickboxing gym about 5 miles from home. That opens early and closes late... great way to start my day or end it. I spend more money on crap and unhealthy items, so money isn’t the issue. It’s my choices.
Another choice I’m looking into is Tae Kwon Do. When I was younger, I used to take lessons until I fractured my heal and then eventually just never went back. Martial arts are wonderful methods to get healthy and in shape, as well as learn some self defense skills that don‘t involve or depend on weapons.
The furthest I managed to get was a yellow belt, which is just one up from white. A.k.a., not very far. Then again I was about 7-9 years old! Hopefully I can develop better self discipline at my older age. (I really should stop talking about myself as if I were 50 years old. I’m only 25, I should be able to do whatever I put my mind to). I’m going to inquire about more choices and these locations I’ve already seen. Coin toss at this point! Or maybe both. Who knows. I'll keep you posted!